Libra Birthstone: A Symbol of Peace, Harmony, and Prosperity
Time flies so swiftly, and before we know it, October, with its crisp air and changing leaves, is here! In the realm of birthstones, each month has one or more unique gems, reflecting the essence of that time of the year. And when it comes to October, the enchanting pink tourmaline takes center stage. All the Libra babies are blessed to have such an enticing gem as their birthstone. Let us delve into the mesmerizing world of pink tourmaline and explore its symbolism and the stunning jewelry pieces that capture the essence of this Libra birthstone . The Libra Birthstone Opal and pink tourmaline are the two Libra birthstones. However, the former is the traditional birthstone, whereas the latter is the modern one. While opal is a valuable gem, pink tourmaline has earned itself more popularity, as it is relatively abundant and affordable compared to opal. Pink tourmaline is a member of the colorful tourmaline family. It owes its splendid color to the presence of trace e...